Our Services


Our hatchery is more than just a facility. Under the care of skilled experts, we transform tiny eggs into lively fingerlings, symbolizing the potential of future catfish yields.

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Masheda impresses with diverse breeds, eco-friendly practices, and a welcoming vibe.
Musoke Mike

Our solutions

Hatchery Capacity

Used for conservation of species  under controlled conditions until fish is ready for consumption

17 Tanks

Comprises 17 tanks

1M Quality Catfish

Monthly stock production capacity of 1,000,000 quality catfish fry.

2M Fry

Holds up to 2,000,000 fry

Brood stock pond

Includes Brood stock ponds for parent stock, which are carefully monitored for genetic selection.

Waste Management and Vermiculture

We use earthworms to break down organic waste, including kitchen scraps, yard waste, and agricultural residues for a nutrient-rich compost called vermicompost.

MASHEDA MIXED FARM.00_01_40_20.Still019
Masheda Mixed Farm is A must-visit for ethical and sustainable farming enthusiasts!
Musoke Mike

Importance of Vermiculture

This helps us ensure that our operations have a minimal ecological footprint hence our unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship.

Organic Waste Management

It provides an eco-friendly way to manage organic waste, reducing landfill use and methane emissions.

High-Quality Compost

Earthworms convert organic waste into nutrient-rich vermicompost, enhancing soil fertility and plant growth.

Soil Health and Productivity

Vermicompost improves soil conditions and provides slow-release nutrients, promoting healthier plants and increased yields.

Environmental Sustainability

It reduces reliance on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, supporting sustainable agriculture and biodiversity.


It offers a low-cost source of organic fertilizer, reducing the need for commercial fertilizers and saving money.

Community and Education

It serves as an educational tool and community activity, promoting environmental stewardship and food security.

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